If lunging is just not working for you and your horse, there is a whole element that you are missing out on when it comes to your training and your work together. In the previous Daily Strides Podcast episode and post, I spoke about 5 ways that you, the person lunging, might be struggling. In this post, I want to explore this from your horse’s perspective.
Riding is a team sport, lunging is the same. If your horse does not understand the concept, the questions, or the expectations around lunging, he will struggle… And you will most likely as well!
Here are 10 reasons that your horse might be struggling with lunging and why this is blocking any progress for you both in using this method in your work together.
1. What’s a Circle?!
For so many horses, up to the point where we introduce lunging, they have always worked with either their ‘rider’ beside them or on their back. So it makes sense that standing 6 or so meters or yards away from them is a completely new concept! Couple this with the idea of staying on a consistent track, or circle… It’s easy to see how things can go wonky! Corners are cut, horses turn in, or drift out…
Your horse needs to understand that even though you are ‘further away’, you are still asking questions and expecting certain responses from your horse. This will take time, consistency, & patience on your part.
2. Consistent Rhythm & Balance
Many horses become familiar with their rider’s always being there to ‘correct’ things. However, when working on the lunge, your horse must now begin to take responsibility for maintaining and correcting himself a little more. Add to this the challenge of being on a constant bend or curve! Also keep in mind that this can be due to a lack of development or fitness if young, green, or coming back to work after a break.
Is your horse struggling with maintaining a consistent rhythm or tempo, or is regularly unbalanced while working on the lunge? If so, it’s important to give him time to understand how to begin taking more responsibility for this himself. And to develop physically and mentally.
3. Doesn’t Understand Your Aids
So often we ‘think’ or ‘assume’ that everyone understands everything we say or mean – only to find out that they don’t! Lunging, just like riding, is about communication. And your horse, just like you, needs to learn what everything means and how to communicate this way together.
If your aids are unclear, misunderstood, or contradictory, lunging will not happen the way you want it to! Take time to explain your aids and check that your horse understands them.
4. Anxiety around the Whip
I’ve spoken about this in the previous post, how often riders are misusing (whether intentional or not) the whip while lunging. Unfortunately, many horses already have anxiety about the whip due to past experiences with other riders, so this may not be your fault. help your horse to understand that a whip is a tool to either ‘point things out’ or ‘extend your aids’.
If your horse associates the whip with a negative experience, rather than removing it from your training,work on desensitizing your horse to it. It’s neutral. And in your hands, it’s not going to hurt him.
5. Too Much or Too Little Energy
The final challenge we will cover today is either the lack of forwardness or motivation some horses tend to have. Or the rushing, overly excessive energy other horses have when working on the lunge. Both will make it extremely difficult to create quality work. And both will require your horse to think and act differently going forward.
Just like riding, relaxation is a key requirement for you and your horse when lunging. And when it comes to horses, relaxation is another way of saying ‘managing tension’. The right amount for the current focus and job.
Help Your Horse Enjoy Lunging
Our horses can’t ‘talk’ to us. They often communicate through their behaviors. It’s important to take the time to try and understand why your horse is reacting or responding the way he is. When you can figure out what’s going on, you can help him to understand lunging.
Addressing any of the struggles that show up will require clear, consistent communication, patience, and commitment with time to building your horse’s confidence and understanding. This way, lunging can become a really helpful part of both of your journeys.
Happy Riding
- FREE TRAINING – 3 Days to Successfully Get Started with Lunging
- Using Lunging to Help Your Horse Build Responsibility
- Train Your Horse in 20 Minutes or Less
- 4 Essentials for Getting Started with Lunging for Riding
- Handling Your Lunge Line to Avoid Tangles and Enhance Contact
- 4 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Lunging
- Improving Your Riding Coordination and Aids While Lunging
Online Training to Help Your Riding
- Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons
- Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase)
- Daily Strides Premium
- Connection – Private Online Coaching for Equestrians
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