How often do you get out on the trail with your horse? There are no right or wrong answers to this question. However, I find it interesting how most riders fall into 2 categories when it comes to trail riding or hacking with their horse. They see it purely as a way to relax or unwind with their horse. And…
Can you remember exactly how this date was last month for you and your horse? What about the month before? Didn’t think so… And yet, maybe you’re like so many other riders and have a complete aversion to writing things down! Why is that?! I know that I love writing down ‘things that have yet to happen’. You know, planning…
There is this lovely place that you will reach with your horse in your training where you are working together. Both of you are invested in creating a desired outcome. This point is usually when you can begin to create and maintain consistent contact. It’s like an unwritten agreement between the two of you. And once consistent contact is created…
Are you happy with where you are right now in your riding journey? If you’ve been feeling a little stuck or ‘behind’ regarding progress for you and your horse, today is the day you can begin changing all of that; whether you make it to the yard right now, or not. The key to feeling better about yourself as an…
Contact is something so many riders want to achieve when working with their horses. However, it’s always worthwhile remembering that your horse was not born knowing how to be ridden. This means that contact is something both of you must learn about and then refine through your work together. For many horses, the challenge is made even more difficult when…
Just like us, all horses are different. They all interact with the world in their unique way. Their reactions and their responses. What would happen if you tailored your interactions with your horse specifically so that your horse can best understand and follow along? If each ‘horse conversation’ was a special one? If you could tailor your aids to your…