Can you remember exactly how this date was last month for you and your horse? What about the month before? Didn’t think so… And yet, maybe you’re like so many other riders and have a complete aversion to writing things down! Why is that?! I know that I love writing down ‘things that have yet to happen’. You know, planning…
Are you happy with where you are right now in your riding journey? If you’ve been feeling a little stuck or ‘behind’ regarding progress for you and your horse, today is the day you can begin changing all of that; whether you make it to the yard right now, or not. The key to feeling better about yourself as an…
In order to make your riding comeback a lasting one, you will have to begin spending more time in the saddle than you have been recently. It makes sense, right?! And yet, while clocking up those minutes and hours in the saddle each week can initially ‘seem’ to be a win… They are likely working against you and your horse…
So you’ve committed to get back into regular riding again. And, you’re taking it a step further this year by focusing on specific outcomes or goals to work towards in your riding and with your horse. But the ‘goal’ and the ‘first ride back’ are MILES apart! In fact, very often the comeback to riding can feel a little overwhelming…
So many riders ‘say’ they want to ride more. But making it happen is an entirely different matter altogether. Identifying why you are not riding more is key to overcoming this. And by ‘identifying’ I mean going deeper than those initial reasons or excuses that simply scratch the surface. This is Part 2 of exploring this topic for you and…
Now, if you answer this with ‘because we’re up to our eyeballs in snow’… Okay, fair enough! However, if you answer this with ‘I don’t know’ or an answer that you, yourself, can quickly tear apart… This is for you! So many riders ‘say’ that they want to ride more. But the difference between the saying and the doing can…