Working alone without a regular instructor or trainer is tough. And often it’s the ‘little things’ that become the bigger sticking points for riders. Things like staying accountable, using feedback to make tweaks and changes, and creating a regular schedule filled with exercises and activities to move things forward. But all is not lost… It is still possible to move…
Let’s take a hack together today while you work with your horse on stride adjustment. So often, the energy that is available to us while out on a hack can be harnessed into new or ‘challenging’ work. This can help you and your horse when you get back into the arena. As with all things in horse riding, the level…
It’s always great to get out of the arena, so let’s do it today – together! And not just to relax and chill, I want to help you use the energy of being out of the arena to improve the quality of your halt. The halt is a movement that many riders fail to use in their training. And yet…
There are a number of things that, when we speak about working with our horses, can feel almost impossible for some riders. This is especially true if your horse is very ‘laid-back’ or ‘lazy’. Other riders are working on channeling energy, etc. and you feel like if you could just ignite a little enthusiasm in your horse, it would be…
Can you remember exactly how this date was last month for you and your horse? What about the month before? Didn’t think so… And yet, maybe you’re like so many other riders and have a complete aversion to writing things down! Why is that?! I know that I love writing down ‘things that have yet to happen’. You know, planning…
There is this lovely place that you will reach with your horse in your training where you are working together. Both of you are invested in creating a desired outcome. This point is usually when you can begin to create and maintain consistent contact. It’s like an unwritten agreement between the two of you. And once consistent contact is created…