5 Reasons You’re Struggling with Lunging – Part 1

5 Reasons You’re Struggling with Lunging – Part 1

5 Reasons You’re Struggling with Lunging – Part 1

Hands up if, at some point in your riding journey, you’ve been guilty of thinking that lunging was a simple matter of your horse going in circles. Don’t feel bad, I’ve been there too. Most riders have, and so many still are!

Lunging is so much more than just running in circles. It is an amazing way to connect with your horse and compliment or continue with your training when riding. 

Like most worthwhile things, it takes time, practice, and improving your skills to get the most from lunging. It’s not something that just magically ‘happens’. Between getting tangled in the lines to missed communication between you and your horse, lunging is an art. It’s like riding. So when you approach it that way, you can begin to improve :)

In this episode and post, I will focus on 10 common challenges that riders have when it comes to lunging. Now, Obviously, I say riders; I mean ‘lungers’, as in you on the ground in the circle with your horse trying to lunge :)

 1. No Plan or Purpose for the Session

Ah, the old ‘no plan’. Just like riding, if you are hoping to use lunging as a tool to improve your work with your horse or your horse’s training, you need a plan! It’s when you show up in the arena with no clear intention or focus for the session, that it can very quickly become ‘running in circles.

Just like your riding, if lunging is to benefit your work with your horse, you need to take the time to create a plan that connects to your goals or vision for your horse’s training and your riding. 

 2. Getting All Tangled Up!

Is there anything as frustrating as trying to explain something to your horse, while also trying to get ‘untangled’ from the lunging line?!  If you are going to use lunging as a tool to help you and your horse improve, you must learn how to use the lunging equipment! And it’s not just the lunge line. This extends to the whip, cavesson or bridle, boots, bandages, and all of the other things you can use to make the experience better and safer for you and your horse. ,

If you feel awkward and overwhelmed about using the lunge line, it will transfer to your horse through ineffective, stiff, and muffled communication.

 3. Wrong Position & ‘Cues’

Your position as it relates to your horse when lunging is as important as your seat when riding. It is the foundation for everything. And it is also one of the biggest struggles riders have when lunging! They find themselves blocking the horse by being too far forward, or driving the horse when too far back.

And because your horse is in almost constant motion when lunging, your position in relation to your horse must be constantly adjusted to reflect what you want to communicate to your horse. One wrong move and you are having an entirely different conversation! 

 4. Struggling with the Whip…

Before we begin, I STRONGLY believe this artificial aid has the wrong name. It should be called a pointer. Or an ‘extender’. Because that’s what it does. It ‘points’ to areas that you would like your horse to focus on, or it ‘extends’ your aids (which is its primary role when lunging). Unfortunately, there are so many riders who do not know how to lunge correctly and, therefore, rely far too much on the whip or use it incorrectly. And you don’t necessarily need to ‘whip’ the horse to do either of those things…

Incorrect or overuse of the whip is never a good thing and, however well intended, will usually result in excessive tension, anxiety, or confusion for the horse. It’s an aid that must be used with your other aids for positive results

 5. No Link between Lunging & Riding Goals

And finally, it all comes back to planning and becoming clear on your vision.  If you want to really strengthen your training and your partnership with your horse, you have to begin seeing everything you do together holistically – instead of lunging being a completely separate activity.

Almost everything you can work on or work towards while in the saddle can be worked on in some way while on teh ground. And so often, it is the different perspective that really cements the concept for both you and your horse…

Stop Struggling with Lunging!

I can go on and on about the things that riders struggle with when it comes to lunging. These are just a few of the ones I hear about from riders on a weekly basis. And the sad part is that these challenges, which can make lunging feel frustrating or unproductive, can all be easily remedied or changed.

With some clear guidance, you can really transform your lunging experience into something special for you and your horse. I have created a free 3 Days to Successful Lunging audio program you can use today to start you on your journey. Get it for free by CLICKING HERE

Happy Riding

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