As a rider, it can be easy to think that the only way you can improve your skills is to ride. And yes, riding is important; obviously! However, you can also use lunging as a way to develop your coordination and aids. And not just on the ground, but also to benefit you and your horse when you’re in the…
For some reason, many riders have a negative story around artificial aids. And yet, most riders use artificial ads on a daily basis, whether riding or on the ground with their hose. What is important to remember is that artificial aids are neither positive nor negative. They just are what they are. And you can use them to create a…
If you enjoy spending time with a horse or two, then the answer to this question is you. You are what an equestrian looks like. And yet, so many riders do not feel this way – or are made not to feel this way. This is wrong. And I think that it is time our sport, as a whole, begins…
It’s probably one of the first things you were told on your first ride. It is also, for many riders, a misunderstood concept. The truth of ‘heels down’ is that once you can correctly master it, it is an absolute game-changer for everything else in your riding. It is that important. How much your heel is down will depend on…
The canter to trot transition is the one transition that so many riders don’t ever think about until they are in the midst of it. So much focus and attention are put into getting into the canter, and yet the ‘getting out of the canter’ is just left to chance. Today I want to give you a few ideas to…
The ‘New Normal’. I feel as though we have reached a point where we must begin looking at how we can settle into this period in our lives, rather than wishing for the way things were. You may have to become the trainer for you and your horse. I know that many riders are having to now begin, maybe for…