Declutter Your Riding and Watch What Happens…

Declutter Your Riding and Watch What Happens…

I bet that you still remember the day you made your first ‘big’ equestrian-related purchase.  Whether that was a helmet, a saddle, a horse, or a property, it’s a special time for all riders.  And of course, all of the ‘big ones’ that come after that are equally as memorable. The same applies to your riding.  That feeling when you…

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Developing More Patience as a Rider

Developing More Patience as a Rider

A lack of patience is something that many riders feel shame about. I was one of those riders for many years, so I know full well how it feels. The initial frustration, the following swift judgment or potential explosion, and then the guilt that happens afterward. Let’s be honest, coming out the other side from losing your patience is rarely…

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How to Secure a Swinging Lower Leg

How to Secure a Swinging Lower Leg

What is it about a swinging lower leg that makes it so annoying for riders, horses, and trainers the world over?! I mean, everyone has their specific ‘riding issues’ and deals with them accordingly. And yet, a swinging lower leg has the potential to have riders stuck on a plateau forever! I don’t need to tell you how important it…

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