
Building Your Horses Fitness (coming back to work after a long break)

Building Your Horses Fitness (coming back to work after a long break)

Whether your horse has been on a hiatus due to injury, winter hibernation, or life’s seasons, bringing them back into work can feel so exciting.  And yet, it can also feel a little overwhelming for many riders.  In this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, we’ll explore how you can successfully build your horse’s fitness and bring them back to…

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Strategically Using Your Time when Training or Retraining Your Horse

Strategically Using Your Time when Training or Retraining Your Horse

Why is it that, as equestrians, we often want to immediately have what we see others with?  And I’m not just talking about saddles, boots, and gloves… But the actual ‘horse’, exercises, movements, training, and level of performance.  We ‘know’ that time is required, but gosh, time can mean a lot of things to a lot of different riders! When…

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