There is this lovely place that you will reach with your horse in your training where you are working together. Both of you are invested in creating a desired outcome. This point is usually when you can begin to create and maintain consistent contact. It’s like an unwritten agreement between the two of you. And once consistent contact is created…
I am all for intentional, relaxing hacks with your horse. And I also think that it’s worth remembering that not all hacks have to be for ‘doing nothing’. In fact, there are some things that may actually happen more easily when out of the arena. Working contact is, for some riders and horses, one of those things. We are always…
What this episode is all about & how it can help you:- Know how you are riding the centre line at the moment Realise that you and your horse are one ‘container’ Understand what a channel is in your riding Use your centre line to develop your overall riding skills Do you see the centre line as being a means…
What this episode is all about & how it can help you:- Sitting straight in the saddle Allowing your legs to ‘drape’ Understanding an active aid versus an inactive one Supporting your horse when he needs support Remember back to when you were first learning to ride. You possibly saw your legs as being a ‘go button’ of sorts. Go…