Isn’t it amazing how so many riders just seem to ‘know’ what will happen each time they ride? They have certain expectations that, almost magically, seem to always come true for them. Unfortunately, the keywords in that sentence are ‘for them’. I see time and again how riders, regardless of what is really happening, will define each ride based on…
For many riders, collection can feel like an exotic and luxury destination that they can only dream about visiting. It can feel very much outside the realms of possibility when they consider their riding abilities and their horse’s abilities as well. Now, the flip side of this is that there are also a smaller group of riders who feel entitled…
You know that feeling when you try something new and you get it right. Maybe your trainer or instructor is with you. Or maybe you just prepared. But, for whatever reason, you got it right. You feel like a better rider. Good feeling, hey? Until the next time you try… Maybe on your own. A couple of days later. Aaaannnnndddd…