Tag: independent seat

Refining Your Walk to Canter Transition

Refining Your Walk to Canter Transition

Do you find that when asking your horse for canter, you tend to ‘over do’ some aspects of your aids?  Perhaps you throw your reins at your horse, or you try to ‘push’ too much with your seat or upper body…  You are shoving and bumping about in the saddle! And when your horse eventually ‘strikes’ the canter, you are…

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Maintaining Control After Jumping

Maintaining Control After Jumping

You’ve just popped the fence and, in your mind, it was a success. Mostly because you managed to stay on board for it!  However, as soon as your horse lands, you are beginning to think that your ‘upright seat’ is becoming more and more of a fantasy… In fact, every stride your horse takes is literally bumping you further and…

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Solid Foundations for Jumping

Solid Foundations for Jumping

Jumping, it has the ability to thrill and to strike fear into riders, sometimes all at once!   However, if approached in a systematic and patient manner, most of the fear will dissipate allowing both you and your horse to enjoy jumping; whether it be a pop every now and then, or a trip round a course of fences weekly at a local…

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