Have you been using your lunging whip incorrectly? Have you decided not to use it at all? Your lunging whip is one of the best aids you have to help you clarify your communication when it comes to lunging your horse. However, in order for it to be of benefit, it must be used correctly. And, unfortunately, the lunging whip…
You have a unique language as a rider. A unique way that you do things when you are with your horse, both on the ground and in the saddle. In fact, every single other rider in the world also has their own unique language. Which is great; special snowflakes and all that. The trouble starts when your horse learns someone’s…
Did you know that almost anything you can do from the saddle, with your horse, you can do from the end of the lunge line? And the words lunge line there are important. I often chat with riders who believe in free lunging or loose lunging. They are not lunging! Lunging is when you are using your aids, both natural…
Have you discovered that your horse is a bit of a maths whizz? He has somehow figured out that if he shaves just a few meters or yards here and there off of the odd corner or three, he has to do less overall in each lesson or schooling session. He seems to have a strong understanding of distance and how to…