Have Fun Hacking – Getting Started with Stride Adjustment in Walk and Trot

Have Fun Hacking – Getting Started with Stride Adjustment in Walk and Trot

Have Fun Hacking – Getting Started with Stride Adjustment in Walk and Trot

Let’s take a hack together today while you work with your horse on stride adjustment. So often, the energy that is available to us while out on a hack can be harnessed into new or ‘challenging’ work. This can help you and your horse when you get back into the arena.

As with all things in horse riding, the level of training you and your horse find yourself at when listening to this episode will dictate what you can reasonably expect to achieve.   Take things slow and steady when it comes to introducing new things to your training program.

In this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, I am encouraging you to listen while riding and immediately put the training into practice.  We will be taking an imaginary ride ‘together’…

So mount up and enjoy the lesson! And, as mentioned at the end, the following 4 audio horse riding lessons that accompany this one are available for you, right now, inside of Daily Strides Premium.

Happy Riding

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