The challenge is real… And, unfortunately, the momentum is as well! For so many riders, cantering is all well and good until the point where you have to turn! Cantering around corners can be so challenging for many riders for a lot of reasons. Here are 3 points to focus on to help you maintain your alignment and balance. 1.…
It can seem like something that only novice or beginner riders would worry themselves with; revisiting the basics. After all, surely there’s a point where, as riders, we can ‘set and forget’ a couple of things in our riding? Basics like position and the aids. Or trotting and cantering… And I think a lot of this stems from the fact…
Circles; for something that we spend so much time ‘doing’ with our horses, many riders are more than a little confused when it comes to how to ride a circle. And while the basic ‘riding a circle’ is fairly simple and most all riders can manage, the issue of riding a well-balanced, good quality, well-maintained circle is what leaves many…
It can feel really overwhelming when we begin looking at all the different things you need to include when training your horse, right? All these ‘steps’ and ‘principles’ are big pieces of a puzzle in their own right; they also have to work together in order to get the full picture! The training scale is a proven way for you…
Have you ever wondered how some riders seem to effortlessly connect with their horse when riding? It genuinely seems like they are doing nothing in particular, and there is clearly an ongoing conversation, or magic, happening. The secret to seemingly effortless riding is to begin, one by one putting a basic on autopilot – and then revisiting and upgrading them…
Have you ever ridden in an open space, a large open space? A space with no boundaries, or fences, or hedges, or any natural ‘this is the end of this space’ obstacles. It takes a lot more focus to ride accurate shapes and straight lines. We tend to ‘wander’… So many of us forget how beneficial an artificial aid the…