Tag: Horse Riding

Developing Your Horses Self Carriage

Developing Your Horses Self Carriage

When you are riding, is your horse carrying himself, or are you in-fact carrying him?  Self carriage in horses can be explained as your horse carrying himself, without needing support from or relying on you, the rider, in order to continue and maintain the movement he is performing. Your horses ability to carry himself comes from him being responsible for his own…

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Solid Foundations for Jumping

Solid Foundations for Jumping

Jumping, it has the ability to thrill and to strike fear into riders, sometimes all at once!   However, if approached in a systematic and patient manner, most of the fear will dissipate allowing both you and your horse to enjoy jumping; whether it be a pop every now and then, or a trip round a course of fences weekly at a local…

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Developing Your Riding Seat

Developing Your Riding Seat

There’s always a desire among riders to develop their seat in the saddle. Most riders understand that developing this one aid is a key part of improving as a rider. But what does it really mean? And how can you start to do it? Developing your riding seat begins with understanding that your seat must be used to signal to…

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Lateral Movement; Leg Yielding

Lateral Movement; Leg Yielding

Leg yielding is generally most riders’ first introduction to lateral movement.  Lateral moving, when we’re talking horses, means sideways.  It is a great movement to ride as it allows you to work your horse’s body in a different, yet equally beneficial way. Leg yielding, and lateral movements in general, are a test of our abilities as riders to move each…

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The Trot to Canter Transition

The Trot to Canter Transition

Do you manage to perform a ‘clean’ trot to canter transition every time?  This transition is often one of the most difficult to maintain balance and rhythm.  And this is true for both horse and rider. The potential for your horse to run into the canter, instead of actually ‘striking’ the canter when asked is quite high. In this episode…

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Everything Takes Time and Persistence

Everything Takes Time and Persistence

The following text is an excerpt from a business coaching resource I created for equestrian business owners. Time and persistence, when coulpled in the right way, will help entrepreneurs overcome most challenges.   If you would like help with your business, you can reach out to me privately on Instagram, @lornaleeson. “The important thing to remember here is that everything takes…

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