Just last week, I noticed a rider literally dragging their horse from the stables towards the arena. The rider was about a meter in front of the horse’s head. Her face was red with effort! And her horse was literally going nowhere slowly. It occurred to me that so many riders make things really difficult for themselves by not having…
How many times have you asked your horse to leg yield, moving forward yet sideways, only for it to become frustratingly obvious a few steps into the moment that what is happening underneath you is definitely not what you had in mind?! Asking our horses to leg yield is one of the first introductions they will have to lateral movement.…
Do you find that when you ask your horse to perform haunches in or travers, the forward movement tends to get a little ‘stuck’? It feels as though he is on his tippy toes, pottering along with no inclination to get to the other end of the arena?! The Benefits of Haunches In Haunches in is a lateral movement that…
Does the thoughts of riding shoulder in leave you feeling less than confident in your riding abilities? Are you a little unsure about the angle, the bend, and the degree of collection required in order to successfully ride the movement? Shoulder in is super for encouraging suppleness and collection in your horse. However, if ridden incorrectly, things can quickly begin…