You leave the arena on a long rein at A and to say you feel a little disheartened is putting things mildly… Dressage can be difficult, there’s no doubt about it, however what tends to stack the odds even more so against a good dressage score is the fact that many riders see it as ‘boring’; a means to an…
Are there days where your horse’s camel impression is worryingly accurate? He lounges along, his back all strung out resembling a cable that’s sole purpose is to work against you. His neck stretched out in what must be an extremely uncomfortable way, his nose pointing skyward… And it seems that all your efforts to establish a correct contact are falling…
Have you ever ridden a horse and they feel so wonderfully loose and pliable underneath you? Perhaps you can remember how your horse was able to really and truly use his body and how the suppleness made it feel like he was performing movements in the best possible way that his body, fitness and confirmation allowed? True suppleness allows your…