Question:- Why Can’t I Maintain the Canter?

Question:- Why Can’t I Maintain the Canter?

Question:- Why Can’t I Maintain the Canter?

It’s all well and good being able to get into the canter; but what happens if you can’t maintain the canter?!  This is the challenge that one of the listeners to the Daily Strides Podcast is having with her horse. And she’s not alone!  I received this same question from a few riders.

So in this episode of the Daily Strides Podcast, I want to dive into what riders can do to help them stay in the canter for longer when riding their horses.

Why Can’t I Maintain the Canter?

I do feel that there are a few possible reasons for this happening in your riding.  I am also answering this question knowing that the rider is not having challenges with getting into the canter.  And is also able to maintain her posture, position, and seat while riding the canter. I do feel that if either of the above two scenarios are happening, my answer will be a little different…

So, my advice for this particular rider is the following:-

  1. Are you holding on with your reins?
  2. Are you blocking the flow of energy with your seat?
  3. Is your horse lacking forwardness?
  4. Does your saddle fit correctly?

I go into detail on each of these questions in the podcast episode, so make sure you give it a listen if you are struggling with this issue.

Get Your Question Answered

I do hope that this will help any riders out there struggling to maintain the canter when in the saddle.  I will pop a few extra resources in the links below. And if you have a question about your riding or your horse’s training, you can send me an email, lorna [at] stridesforsucess [dot] com.  And I will answer your question here on the Daily Strides Podcast as well.

Happy Riding

Resources to Help

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