Are All New Clients Worth Your Time and Effort?

Are All New Clients Worth Your Time and Effort?

Are All New Clients Worth Your Time and Effort?

Whether you are a riding instructor, trainer, barn owner, or manager; growing your business is important.  And, as you grow your business, your time will begin to become more valuable.

Finding new clients is key to growth.  However, are all new clients equal?  In order to best utilize your time and skills, this is a question that you must, ask yourself.

Your New Clients Aspirations

Often when equestrian professionals have trouble with customers, it is due to not being clear on this.  Many equestrian entrepreneurs do not take the time at the beginning of the relationship with each new client to really get to know their wants, desires, aspirations, etc.

In life, most of us aspire to always give our best, not just the expected standard of what our job is. As entrepreneurs, this becomes even more important, that special touch, the secret sauce, that is your own personal standard…

In order to grow our business, we should aim to grow ourselves. This means having a standard that will be better tomorrow than it is today.

Different Standards

Different clients expect different standards. So taking the time to sort through every individual new client’s values, goals, wishes, desires, and dreams is important. From there, you can decide very early if they align with how you currently operate. And, if not, advise them to go elsewhere!

While this seems very harsh when written in black and white, it will save so much time and hardship on both sides further down the line.

Your first step in figuring out if a new client is indeed worth your time and effort are determining their main objective. Said differently, what is that client hoping to achieve or obtain by working with you.

You can do this by both listening and observing what they say and do.  The next step is equally as important. You must try to evaluate if their actions, in general, are in alignment and congruent with what they say they want.

In order for you to help anyone, there needs to be a strategy. As a professional, it is usually up to you to create this action plan. Then tweak it for each specific new client.

However, they must then be committed to achieving this by putting in the necessary time and effort. They also must be willing to make the necessary sacrifices. They must be diligent with their intention and focus and at all times being true to the vision of what they desire.

If they say one thing and then begin to do another… then, no I honestly do not believe they are worth the frustration and stress you may be feeling because of them.


Your value comes from the knowledge and experience you are providing… However, it is up to each new client (and existing clients) to take what you are providing and do the work!  They must begin implementing it in their riding or management skills. Whatever each individual case may be.

Some people always want to better themselves & their horse. Some are happy with how things are right now and want to just have fun. Neither is right or wrong, but you have to understand that they are oceans apart in terms of what they expect from you!

My advice to you is to begin by sorting people out first. Get to know your potential new clients first.  Find out what they want to achieve. Then make sure this aligns with the skills and talents you have.

It seems like a lot of hard work initially but, trust me, once you see they are striving for that goal, then yes, they are definitely worth putting your best time and effort into.

If you would like more help with finding new clients for your equestrian business, reach out. You can do this privately on Instagram @lornaleeson.

Happy Riding

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