Tag: position

Self Assessment and Your Riding – Your Comeback to Riding

Self Assessment and Your Riding – Your Comeback to Riding

So you’re back in the saddle. It feels amazing and you love how each ride is jam-packed with learning new things and rediscovering little things you’d forgotten. However, once the initial excitement begins to wear off, you’ll probably start thinking about how to improve your skills. Self-assessment is a skill all riders can practice and improve. And it is essential…

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Start Rolling & Stop Bouncing in the Canter

Start Rolling & Stop Bouncing in the Canter

One of the fun things about canter is the ‘moment of suspension’.  Except when this ‘moment’ applies to the rider, not just the horse!  Yes, there is a moment when the horse will be ‘off’ the ground; suspended in midair.  However, we definitely don’t want you to experience this bouncing in the canter. Becoming airborne whenever your horse strides in…

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