It can seem like something that only novice or beginner riders would worry themselves with; revisiting the basics. After all, surely there’s a point where, as riders, we can ‘set and forget’ a couple of things in our riding? Basics like position and the aids. Or trotting and cantering… And I think a lot of this stems from the fact…
There are some things that many of us simply accept in life. Rainy days. Horsehair is everywhere in Spring. The rhythm in the canter. And yet, while we cannot change the weather (okay, debatable) and we definitely cannot get around the necessary loss of the winter coat… The Rhythm in the canter is definitely something we can have a more…
All riders can be put into one of two categories when it comes to the canter… Those who can move their seat in the canter with their horse – and those who can’t. This is a bitter pill to swallow for those on the ‘can’t’ side of the fence. And yet, it is something that they would secretly love to…
Have you ever wondered how some riders seem to effortlessly connect with their horse when riding? It genuinely seems like they are doing nothing in particular, and there is clearly an ongoing conversation, or magic, happening. The secret to seemingly effortless riding is to begin, one by one putting a basic on autopilot – and then revisiting and upgrading them…
Landing on the correct diagonal can be hit and miss for many riders. Let’s face it, there’s a chance you’ll get it right 50% of the time! And while most riders are pretty well versed on their diagonals in the trot… It’s ‘feeling’ the diagonal that causes confusion. Trotting has a two-time beat. The 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 that you experience and feel…
So you say go. But immediately follow it up with whoa. And all because you’re blocking with your seat. It’s like trying to drive a car with the handbrake on! And you continue to blame the car for not going forward… For many riders, the even more frustrating part of it is that it can be hard to notice. If…