Fun can mean lots of different things to lots of different riders. And your idea of what is really fun can change as you develop and grow as a rider. I always encourage my riders to be intentional about including fun stuff in their plan or schedule with their horses.
So, as you plan out your weekly riding, see where you can include one or two activities that you are including with the simple intention of having fun and enjoying the time with your horse.
Now, again, notice how what may have been fun when you rode horses as a teenager, might not be as much fun anymore. Pay attention to your day-to-day activities with your horse. Anywhere you notice you are really just ‘having fun’, go deeper and see where it takes you.
1 . Groundwork
2 . Natural Horsemanship
3 . Grooming
4 . Relaxing together
5 . Trails or Hacking
Now, obviously, these are just a few ideas to get you started. I have a more comprehensive list HERE where I explain how to being including fun in your riding as well.
What I would love to hear from you is how you are planning on intentionally including fun into your riding this week.
Happy Riding