12 Days of Christmas for Equestrians

12 Days of Christmas for Equestrians

12 Days of Christmas for Equestrians

Have you ever thought about the person who really encouraged or influenced you on your journey into the world of horses?

Have you ever considered where you would, or wouldn’t, be if it was not for them and the time, money or interest they invested in you and nurturing your love of horses?

As riders and ‘equestrians’ many of us tend to believe we are masters of our own destiny.  Maybe it is due to the whole ‘freedom’ feeling many of us are chasing when we ride.  Perhaps it is because we see ourselves as a little more daring than the average person.  Gallivanting around the countryside on the back of an animal who weighs more than a small car and pointing it at hedges and fences designed to contain livestock – all in the name of entertainment – can perhaps do that to a person!

However, the fact remains that your love of all things horses, whether you enjoy hurtling towards fences while travelling at breakneck speeds or you rather enjoy a simple groom in the stable, was probably sparked, nurtured and cultivated by someone.

Imagine how that person would feel if they were to receive a hand written letter of gratitude from you…

Imagine how you would feel if, twenty years from now, you received a similar letter from someone whom you invested some of your time, money or attention in…

This December I want as many equestrians as possible to join me in a little Christmas Challenge of sorts.  The Strides for Success 12 Days of Christmas Equestrian Challenge is all about giving back, paying it forward, gratitude and just getting together to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to those who have or are making an impact on our lives. 

Interested?  Visit www.StridesforSuccess.com/Christmas and join us today.  Let’s see just how big an impact we can have on the horsey world this Christmas :)

Happy Riding & Happy Christmas


The Strides for Success 12 Days of Christmas Equestrian Challenge is a free challenge for all equestrians and riders throughout the world.  You do not need a horse to take part, but rather a love of horses in general.  Scroll to the bottom and & let me know in the comments below if you are going to join us…

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12

Oh, and please share with as many riders as possible – the more the merrier ;) and the bigger impact we can have!

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